The Farm Gingindlovu
The Farm Experience is based in Fairbreeze, Gingindlovu 15 km South of the beautiful coastal town of Mtunzini. This location offers tented accommodation, an obstacle course, paintball, lagoon activities and farm tour.
About the Location
Located in Gingindlovu in the KwaZulu-Natal region, The Farm provides accommodation for up to 200 kids. The nearest airport is King Shaka International Airport, 102 km from the tented camp.
The need for children to be children is something that has been important to Kim and Tykes for a long time. With this in mind, when they laid out their garden, they planned for lots of open space for their children to play. Over the years they noticed that if you add more children magic happens!! They play and play and play until they’re sweaty, exhausted and hungry!
A child’s instinct is to play, run, climb, hop, skip, dig, dance, catch and throw. To roll down hills and jump waves, to build forts, make a noise, make a mess, to explore! Play is spontaneous, creative and fun! Instead of playing on an iPad or watching TV where can children go to do this in a safe environment?
Playing and movement is essential for a child’s development. It is one of the most important things parents can share with their children, but sadly this doesn’t happen these days as parents are either too busy and / or the children do not have the space and other children to play with.
At The Farm we have the time ... the friends …. and the space .... for your children to be children.
Accommodation & Activities
We have 4 beautiful big tipis which can accommodate 8 people each. For larger groups we put up our big army tents / two man tents. The teepees and the army tents are fitted with beds while the two man tents have mattresses only. There are lovely big ablution blocks with spacious toilets and showers.
The Farm has a large open field for fun and games and enormous fire pit for evening meals and chats around the campfire.
Obstacle Course
Cook and prepare own meals
Unique Farm Experiences
uMlalazi Lagoon, fishing, mangrove experience, kayaking, dune jumping, walking
Amatikulu Lagoon – raft building, fun and games on the beach, fishing, swimming (life guards on site)
Cycling / Walking through gum plantations
Farm Tour – learn about bees and honey, macadamias, tea tree, sugar cane and forestry, ride a tractor, ride a horse, play with the dogs, feed a goat, pig, chicken, duck, cow or turkey!
Campfire Reflections
Every evening, around the campfire we have a “highlights” and “lowlights” – what you enjoyed most about your day and what wasn’t such fun. What we’ve learnt from this is that what is a highlight for one is often a lowlight for another and vice versa! And that the most simple, everyday activities are actually the ones that mean the most – “my best was lying on my back looking up at the stars”, “my worst part of today was looking at the stars", "I was sure there was a frog that was going to jump on me”, “I loved making the fire”, “my highlight was throwing the ball for Stripe”, “I did not like our walk” “ I loved our walk!” and so it goes on. So for each child their experience is unique to them, experienced in their own unique way.
Michael (Tikey) Odell leads a fantastic team of committed, fun, experienced facilitators whose focus first in on the safety of the children, many of them are qualified first aiders. In addition, a strong support staff make sure that mealtimes run smoothly and the camp is in ship shape.
Watch our video!