Baynesfield Estate Midlands
Located at Baynesfield Estate in the Midlands, this venue offers obstacle courses, water slides, swimming, a museum tour and a farm tour of the piggery, dairy and maize lands.
About the Location
The Baynesfield Estate Museum is made up of a few different sites, giving you a look at the life of Yorkshire born Joseph Bayne who was a Byrne Settler and who founded the Baynesfield Estate museum. During his life as an enthusiastic and hard working agriculturist, he accumulated many farms now known as Baynesfield Estate.
He developed the dairy industry and put the bacon curing industry on steady feet. Here you can see the original refrigeration room used on the estate and the dairy museum displaying an array of interesting artifacts all inside the original butter factory which was built in 1899.
Explore the Vintage Tractor and Machinery club and cast your eyes on some extraordinary collections. Why not step back in time and walk through the old cheese factory now used to show off an array of items. The original farmhouse is now an Antique Woodwork club where you can see demonstrations with historic wood working tools. There is so much to see and lots to be learnt.
Accommodation & Activities
Tented Accommodation which the kids set up themselves. 2 man tents with mattresses and ablution block available.
Obstacle Course
Water Slides
Swimming in the Dam
Cook and prepare own meals
Unique Baynesfield Experiences
Vintage Tractor and Machinery Museum Tour
Antique Woodwork Tour
Piggery and Agricultural Tour
Campfire Reflections
Every evening, around the campfire we have a “highlights” and “lowlights” – what you enjoyed most about your day and what wasn’t such fun. What we’ve learnt from this is that what is a highlight for one is often a lowlight for another and vice versa! And that the most simple, everyday activities are actually the ones that mean the most – “my best was lying on my back looking up at the stars”, “my worst part of today was looking at the stars", "I was sure there was a frog that was going to jump on me”, “I loved making the fire”, “my highlight was throwing the ball for Stripe”, “I did not like our walk” “ I loved our walk!” and so it goes on. So for each child their experience is unique to them, experienced in their own unique way.
Michael (Tikey) Odell leads a fantastic team of committed, fun, experienced facilitators whose focus first in on the safety of the children, many of them are qualified first aiders. In addition, a strong support staff make sure that mealtimes run smoothly and the camp is in ship shape.
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